Archive for Term: Water

headshot of Lena Hansen

Lena Hansen

Lena Hansen is the Managing Director of Rocky Mountain Institute’s China Program, based in Beijing, where she leads a team of 20 to advise and support China’s energy transition in the areas of power market reform, city carbon peaking,...

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headshot of Michelle Miller

Michelle Miller

Michelle, part of the first Donella Meadows Fellows cohort, is at the UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems, the campus sustainable agriculture research center where she directs programs. She is a practicing economic anthropologist engaged in participatory action research...

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headshot of Sally McGee

Sally McGee

Sally McGee works for the Nature Conservancy where she is the Director for Climate and Strategic Initiatives. Some of her areas of work include the Shellfish Growers Climate Coalition, Sustaining Oyster Aquaculture and Restoration (SOAR), and restorative seaweed aquaculture...

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headshot of Steven Smith

Steven Smith

For twelve years the Iowa Network for Community Agriculture (INCA) has been fostering connections between farmers and community members who are growing sustainable local food systems in the state. Steve works to assure that each system is shaped and...

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headshot of Sudha Soni

Sudha Soni

Sudha has been engaged for more than 20 years in the development/environment/sustainability sectors and is currently the Chief Functionary of The Environment Collaborative. TEC believes in working collaboratively and networking with similar organizations to bring about social change and...

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