Archive for Term: Government

headshot of Brooke Simler Smith

Brooke Simler Smith

Brooke Smith is the Director of Public Engagement with Science at The Kavli Foundation. In this role, she works to strengthen the field of public engagement with science and science communications. Brooke is passionate about scientists engaging with the...

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headshot of Christine Negra

Christine Negra

Dr. Christine Negra partners with scientists and public and private sector decision makers to address agricultural sustainability and food security in the context of climate change. As an agricultural extension agent, a researcher, a program director, and an international consultant,...

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headshot of Cynthia Pansing

Cynthia Pansing

Cynthia Pansing is Berkshire Agricultural Ventures (BAV) Executive Director. For more than 20 years, she has brought strategic direction to nonprofit and public organizations working on food systems and sustainable agriculture in Massachusetts and elsewhere in the US for...

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headshot of Elaine Kohrman

Elaine Kohrman

Elaine is currently serving as the Acting Regional Forester for the Southwestern Region (Arizona and New Mexico). She has been in a permanent position as Deputy Regional Forester for the Southwestern Region since May 2018. She held a previous...

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headshot of Gabriela Anaya Reyna

Gabriela Anaya Reyna

Gabriela is an independent consultant providing services to individual donors, foundations, donor agencies, and donor networks to develop collaboration-oriented and culturally sensitive strategies to address environmental and social problems and opportunities in Mexico and Latin America. She also provides...

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headshot of Kristi Kimball

Kristi Kimball

Kristi served as executive director of the Charles and Helen Schwab Foundation from 2012 through 2021. After wrapping up at the Foundation and consulting with Camelback Ventures in 2022, Kristi decided to take a sabbatical year and shift her career...

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headshot of Maria Latumahina

Maria Latumahina

Maria Latumahina is an adult educator focusing on strengthening community based organizations among the indigenous Papuans. She is currently based in Glasgow (UK) but she remains working on Papua sustainable development issues. Her experience in nurturing multi stakeholder dialogue...

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headshot of Michelle Miller

Michelle Miller

Michelle, part of the first Donella Meadows Fellows cohort, is at the UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems, the campus sustainable agriculture research center where she directs programs. She is a practicing economic anthropologist engaged in participatory action research...

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headshot of Sally McGee

Sally McGee

Sally McGee works for the Nature Conservancy where she is the Director for Climate and Strategic Initiatives. Some of her areas of work include the Shellfish Growers Climate Coalition, Sustaining Oyster Aquaculture and Restoration (SOAR), and restorative seaweed aquaculture...

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heasdshot of Shanna Ratner

Shanna Ratner

Shanna is a semi-retired researcher, writer, and trainer, with 35 years of experience specializing in rural economic and community development throughout the United States with some experience in developing countries. Through her company, Yellow Wood Associates, she has worked...

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